Visa creates program to help content creators to develop NFT’s

Millions of individuals and small enterprises engage in daily content creation for their social networks. For some, this constitutes their primary source of income, and Visa has initiated a program in the United States to offer them support. According to the multinational financial services corporation, approximately 50 million artists (comprising musicians, photographers, videographers, fashion designers, and filmmakers) are actively involved in a market valued at around $100 billion. Furthermore, content creators represent one of the rapidly growing categories of small businesses each year.

In an ever-evolving landscape (did someone mention the metaverse?), Visa has identified an opportunity to provide valuable insights and guidance to content creators through strategic mentorship. Cuy Sheffield, the head of crypto at the financial firm, explained, “NFTs have the potential to significantly accelerate the creator economy. We have been closely examining the NFT ecosystem and its potential impact on the future of commerce, retail, and social media. Through the Visa Creator Program, we aim to assist this emerging generation of small and micro-businesses in leveraging new avenues for digital commerce.”

The year-long program is designed to aid creators in accelerating their business growth using NFTs and is open to artists from across the globe. The program encompasses areas such as NFT creation and comprehension, digital commerce, cryptocurrencies, web3, and business expansion.

The company will select a limited number of creators to participate in the program. If you are keen on participating or learning more about it, additional information can be found here.

Despite the widespread presence of NFTs, the reality is that not everyone comprehends what they entail. A recent study revealed that only one in four individuals in the United States can accurately explain what an NFT is. For creators aspiring to generate income from their content, it is imperative to grasp the intricacies of the metaverse, NFTs, blockchains, and cryptocurrencies. This program presents a significant opportunity to achieve precisely that.