Jasmine Webster @say.ahhh.for.jaz

Tell about your life background

My name is Jasmine Webster I am 20 years old and I am freelance model in the DFW area. I also am working on my Bachelors in Social Work at The University of Texas Arlington. I love working out, doing things outdoors , and spending quality time with my family and friends. One of my greatest achievements has been beating drug addiction. I struggled for years with substance abuse and just recently got 2 years clean and sober from everything. Since moving to Dallas I’ve been able to get emerged in the modeling scene pretty quickly. I’ve been able to work with local artist on different things, some local magazines, be apart of art shows, and work in some workshops for photographers in the area. I’ll also be walking for Slay Magazine “50 Shades of slay” show on November 12. I started my journey as an influencer by meeting as many people as i could in Dallas and just being apart of events and trying to get my name out there.

Can you share the story behind choosing your specific niche or focus for your content?

The coordinators of R.U.On.The.Map helped me a lot as well my. My mom was a photographer and promoted her business by photographing me and my little brother when I was younger , and since she’s passed it has been a way i could honor her and feel connected to her. I also love fashion and telling stories with photos. I also want to be able to inspire young women that have similar issues I have had in the past.


How do you handle negative feedback or criticism that you may receive online?

Any negative feedback I get on social media is always something I use for motivation to go that much harder. I know I got to be doing something right if I got haters.

Are there any misconceptions about being an influencer that you’d like to address?

I think the biggest misconception about being an influencer is that who people are on social media is really who they are in real life. At the end of the day people have to portray who they want to get a certain message across it’s very similar to acting or something like that.

What platforms do you find most effective for connecting with your audience, and why?

I find Tik Tok and Instagram most effective. Tik tok is really good at getting exposure quick and instagram is reallygood for networking with creatives in your area.

What are your goals and aspirations for your influencer career in the coming years?


My biggest goals are to create a modeling career for myself that will give me a good income and then to shed light on stigmatizes issues like the homeless community or drug addiction and help those people that are less fortunate. Thank you for this opportunity.

Can you share tips for aspiring influencers looking to establish themselves in the industry?

So don’t assume that you know a person just because you’ve seen all their content post. I think the biggest tip I could give is don’t do anything if it’s not something you want to commit to and if you do want to do it commit as much as you can and don’t give up when things get challenging. And when you master one thing make sure you find something else you can challenge yourself with and get good at.

Could you tell us about a time when you had to overcome a challenge in your influencer journey?

A big challenge I’ve had with my influencer journey is just getting my following back up to where it use to be. But what i’m focusing on is being patient, consistent, and optimistic.

What does a typical day in your life as an influencer look like?

A typical day in my life is just going to my classes and going through dms throughout the day, I try to schedule all my content creating for the weekends and I typically dedicate all of Saturday and Sunday to shooting either visuals or photo shoots. I also go to the gym Monday through Friday to keep my body fit.

Can you tell us about a memorable experience or achievement in your influencer career so far?


A memorable moment I had was taking a road trip to Oklahoma to do a waterfall shoot with Robbi Jones and some other talented models. We wanted to take a picture on the waterfall so we all jumped over the “do not cross” sign and swam to the big rock but then we got caught by the park police and they yelled at us to get down and banned us from that entire area. But it was so fun and exciting. I try to be consistent with posting and making sure everything I put out there is quality content that’ll get peoples attention.